Give Help

Donate money

Big or small, every gift you give helps transform lives.

Our foodbank is run by local people for local people – we rely on the community’s support to ensure we can continue to stop people going hungry. Can you invest in the future of our project and help us provide much-needed support to people in crisis in our community?

Midlothian Food Bank Gift Aid Form

Midlothian Food Bank Standing Order Form

One-off gifts:

You can donate using our Crowdfunder page or using the following details:

Midlothian Foodbank (SCIO), Gorebridge Parish Church, 96 Hunterfield Road, Gorebridge, EH23 4TT

Bank Details:  Bank of Scotland, Dalkeith High Street, P.O. Box 1000, BX2 1LB

                           Sort Code:  80:22:60            Account:  18008466


A single gift could secure someone’s future. Contact us to find out more.

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